
Esperanza for Honduras supports Home of Nazareth School, located in the Pedregal neighborhood of Tegucigalpa, Honduras. The neighborhood is severely impoverished. Tegucigalpa is the capital city and is plagued by unemployment, poor living conditions, and street gangs - four of which control Pedregal.
The school began as a safe place for children to be during the day. Over the years, it has grown in numbers as well as scope becoming a K-12th grade school. The public schools in the city are not well run and are a poor alternative to Home of Nazareth
Esperanza for Honduras Inc. is an IRS approved 501(c)3 charity registered in the state of OHIO, USA. EIN 83-3749800

Population 9,420,000
Capital City: Tegucigalpa (pop. 850 000); metropolitan area 1.2 million.
Other Cities: San Pedro Sula the industrial capital of Honduras, (pop. 500 000); metropolitan area over 1 million.
Language: Spanish
Religion: Primarily Roman Catholic
Currency: Lempira

What is Esperanza for Honduras?
Esperanza for Honduras supports Home of Nazareth school located in the Pedregal neighborhood of Tegucigalpa, Honduras. The neighborhood is severely impoverished.
Tegucigalpa is the capital city and is plagued by unemployment, poor living conditions, and street gangs - four of which control Pedregal.
The school was originally started as a safe place for children to be during the day. Over the years, it has grown in numbers as well as scope becoming a K-12th grade school. The public schools in the city are not well run and are a poor alternative to Home of Nazareth
What is Home of Nazareth?
Home of Nazareth School has an enrollment of ~375 students. The school is a Catholic educational facility, but all children are welcome to attend regardless of his/her religious beliefs. Academic excellence has allowed many students to find employment or go on to university after completing the 12thgrade. The school also has a few students with developmental or physical disabilities. This service provides an option for poor families who otherwise could not afford any help for their special needs’ children.
Education is foremost at Home of Nazareth. Poverty, social ills, little or no food, inadequate clothing, alcoholism, physical and mental abuse, and the prevalence of violent street gangs affects everyone in Pedregal and children oft times suffer the most. Esperanza for Honduras breaks this cycle of misery.
Students often come to school in tattered uniforms. Most of the students are hungry and look forward to the meal they receive at school. Despite their hunger, many students take some of their meal home to share with family members who may be going without that day.
What can You Do
To Make an Impact?
Many of the teachers and staff live in the neighborhood and fully understand the poverty affecting most of the country. Unemployment is 60% and the lempira (Honduran currency) has been severely devalued in the last decade.
Governmental institutions we take for granted are neither trustworthy nor helpful when it comes to support and basic protections and needs. A few years ago, Pedregal was considered one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the world.
Home of Nazareth School has changed the lives of so many. The students feel cared about when they have a sponsor. This in turn helps other students in the school. Resources to support the teachers take a tremendous financial responsibility off their shoulders. Because the families feel cared about, the neighborhood feels cared for as well. Even the gangs are showing consideration for the school by stopping the so-called “gang tax” extorted from other businesses and organizations throughout Pedregal.
Supporting Home of Nazareth School changes the world. Supporting a student directly gives the child and his/her family hope, or ESPERANZA, for the future.